

jenna fizel

Jenna Fizel is a senior director of emerging technology at IDEO. They are inspired by the unexpected ideas that arise when translating the abstract world of information into the tangible world we can see, touch and taste. At IDEO Jenna helps teams explore design questions through building with tools like AI, XR, and digital fabrication. They believe these tools can sometimes be part of the design solution—but are always useful during the design process when used as new ways of seeing. In addition to leading IDEO’s emerging technology practice, they run an 80 person internal learning group that makes technical skills more accessible to the IDEO community, regardless of discipline or position.

juliette laroche

Juliette Laroche, a Senior Industrial Designer at IDEO SF with 5+ years of experience across diverse industries including consumer goods, transportation design, electronics, kitchen tools and home appliances. Her expertise extends beyond physical product design to UX/UI design, app development for smart home appliances, and service design. Guided by human-centered design principles, design thinking, research, user testing, and rapid prototyping, she collaborates within teams to make impactful design decisions. Juliette's passion lies in leveraging new technologies to enhance people's lives, through storytelling techniques, material exploration, AI and using biodesign for innovative problem-solving to evoke empathy and emotion through a product or experience. Prior to IDEO Juliette was part of OXO’s design team in NY and at IN2 Innovation in Austin. She holds a BSc in Industrial Design from the University of Houston. Beyond design, Juliette finds inspiration in running, tennis, drawing, poetry, macro photography, and all things related to the ocean.


Urvi Sharma is a furniture and product designer. She completed her BFA in Furniture Design at the Rhode Island School of Design in 2017. Urvi uses a layered design process, incorporating personal narrative, traditional craft techniques and modern ways of making into her work. Mirroring her experiences growing up in New Delhi, India and working for internationally renowned designers , her products connect with their audience in an increasingly diasporic world while embodying unique identities with the stories they tell. Urvi is also a part of the Forbes 30 Under 30 Art and Style Class of 2023.


sven newman

Sven Newman is a co-founder and partner of Daylight Design. Prior to Daylight, Sven led a multidisciplinary studio at IDEO. He is a graduate from Brown University and Stanford University.


Industrial Designer at Daylight Design and RISD ID graduate 2020. Daylight Design is a 30 person consultancy spread across SF, Seoul, and Munich, doing a variety of work ranging from traditional ID, UX, GD, research and strategy. The SF office, which he is based out of, specializes in social impact work that has included topics like K-12 education design, low income housing, domestic violence, cancer screening, climate strategy for the UN and more.


Eunjoo is a UX designer and design strategist with over 25 years of experience leading teams and delivering cutting-edge UX design solutions for renowned global technology companies, such as Samsung, Motorola, Qualcomm, and Google. Her innovative and forward-thinking approach has played a pivotal role in driving the evolution of UX design within emerging product categories, including AI, voice assistants, wearables, augmented reality, and mobile technologies. Recognized for her outstanding contributions to the field, Eunjoo was shortlisted as one of the top 18 women leading the way in wearable tech and VR in 2016. Additionally, she was honored as one of the top 50 wearable tech game-changers for 2016 by Wearable magazine. Eunjoo's passion lies in humanizing technology through inclusive design, aiming to create intuitive and accessible experiences for all users.


Pilar (she/her) is the Executive Director of the Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP). She was born and raised to a big Cuban family in Miami, FL—where her community engaged design practice began through her work with O, Miami. Inspired by using design to support the vision of communities, she moved to New York City to study social design at the School of Visual Arts.The Department of Small Business Services and Public Policy Lab were her introduction to New York City's policy landscape. From there, she found a home in CUP’s creative and values aligned community practice.Before becoming Executive Director, Pilar was a Community Education Program Manager at CUP. Her leadership is guided by her experience collaborating with advocates, organizers, designers, and the people most impacted by the policies are work explains.She has a personal bookmaking practice and gives presentations about mangos to anyone who will listen.


Raina Wellman is a freelance designer and writer based in New York City. As a supporter of collaborative, interdisciplinary making, she believes that when creative thinking and diverse fields of study come together, we have the power to make a lasting positive impact. Wellman’s work and research centers on visual culture and pandemic disease, particularly centering graphic design as a public health tool, stigmatization countering efforts, and collective action campaigns that relate to community health activism. In her work, she is passionate about using graphic design, community-led conversation, and systems-thinking approaches to help people understand, reimagine, and access important services.She holds a masters in public health from Columbia University with a focus in communications and infectious disease and received her bachelor’s degree in graphic design from the Rhode Island School of Design.

Lecture PErformance

kameelah janan rasheed

A learner, Kameelah Janan Rasheed grapples with the poetics-pleasures-politics of Black knowledge production, information technologies, [un]learning, and belief formation. Most recently, they are a recipient of a 2022 Schering Stiftung Award for Artistic Research; a 2022 Creative Capital Award; a 2022 Betty Parsons Fellow – Artists2Artists Art Matters Award; a 2022 Artists + Machine Intelligence Grants - Experiments with Google; and a 2021 Guggenheim Fellowship in Fine Arts. Rasheed is the author of four artist’s books: i am not done yet (Mousse Publishing, 2022); An Alphabetical Accumulation of Approximate Observations (Endless Editions, 2019); No New Theories (Printed Matter, 2019); and the digital publication Scoring the Stacks (Brooklyn Public Library, 2021).  Her fifth artist book is due out in 2023 from KW Institute for Contemporary Art (Berlin, DE). Their writing has appeared in Triple Canopy, The New Inquiry, Shift Space, Active Cultures, and The Believer. They are an adjunct instructor at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, a Critic at Yale School of Art, Sculpture, and a Mentor-in-Residence with NEW Inc. Rasheed is represented by NOME Gallery in Berlin, Germany.